Variational Autoencoders#

Generative Model#

Variational Autoencodres (VAEs) are “deep” but conceptually simple generative models. To sample a data point \(\mbx_n\),

  1. First, sample latent variables \(\mbz_n\),

\[\begin{align*} \mbz_n &\sim \mathrm{N}(\mbzero, \mbI) \end{align*}\]
  1. Then sample the data point \(\mbx_n\) from a conditional distribution with mean,

\[\begin{align*} \E[\mbx_n \mid \mbz_n] &= g(\mbz_n; \mbtheta), \end{align*}\]

where \(g: \reals^H \to \reals^D\) is a nonlinear mapping parameterized by \(\mbtheta\).

We will assume \(g\) is a simple feedforward neural network of the form,

\[\begin{align*} g(\mbz; \mbtheta) &= g_L(g_{L-1}(\cdots g_1(\mbz) \cdots)) \end{align*}\]

where each layer is a cascade of a linear mapping followed by an element-wise nonlinearity (except for the last layer, perhaps). For example,

\[\begin{align*} g_\ell(\mbu_{\ell}) = \mathrm{relu}(\mbW_\ell \mbu_{\ell} + \mbb_\ell); \qquad \mathrm{relu}(a) = \max(0, a). \end{align*}\]

The generative parameters consist of the weights and biases, \(\mbtheta = \{\mbW_\ell, \mbb_\ell\}_{\ell=1}^L\).

Learning and Inference#

We have two goals. The learning goal is to find the parameters that maximize the marginal likelihood of the data,

\[\begin{align*} \mbtheta^\star &= \arg \max_{\mbtheta} p(\mbX; \mbtheta)\\ &= \arg \max_{\mbtheta} \prod_{n=1}^N \int p(\mbx_n \mid \mbz_n; \mbtheta) \, p(\mbz_n; \mbtheta) \dif \mbz_n \end{align*}\]

The inference goal is to find the posterior distribution of latent variables,

\[\begin{align*} p(\mbz_n \mid \mbx_n; \mbtheta) &= \frac{p(\mbx_n \mid \mbz_n; \mbtheta) \, p(\mbz_n; \mbtheta)}{\int p(\mbx_n \mid \mbz_n'; \mbtheta) \, p(\mbz_n'; \mbtheta)\dif \mbz_n'} \end{align*}\]

Both goals require an integral over \(\mbz_n\), but that is intractable for deep generative models.

The Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO)#

Idea: Use the ELBO to get a bound on the marginal probability and maximize that instead.

\[\begin{align*} \log p(\mbX ; \mbtheta) &= \sum_{n=1}^N \log p(\mbx_n; \mbtheta) \\ &\geq \sum_{n=1}^N \log p(\mbx_n; \mbtheta) - \KL{q_n(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)}{p(\mbz_n \mid \mbx_n; \mbtheta)} \\ &= \sum_{n=1}^N \underbrace{\E_{q_n(\mbz_n)}\left[ \log p(\mbx_n, \mbz_n; \mbtheta) - \log q_n(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n) \right]}_{\text{"local ELBO"}} \\ &\triangleq \sum_{n=1}^N \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta) \\ &= \cL(\mblambda, \mbtheta) \end{align*}\]

where \(\mblambda = \{\mblambda_n\}_{n=1}^N\).

Here, I’ve written the ELBO as a sum of local ELBOs \(\cL_n\).

Variational Inference#

The ELBO is still maximized (and the bound is tight) when each \(q_n\) is equal to the true posterior,

\[\begin{align*} q_n(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n) &= p(\mbz_n \mid \mbx_n, \mbtheta). \end{align*}\]

Unfortunately, the posterior no longer has a simple, closed form.


Suppose \(\mbx_n \sim \mathrm{N}(g(\mbz_n; \mbtheta), \mbI)\). This deep generative model has a Gaussian prior on \(\mbz_n\) and a Gaussian likelihood for \(\mbx_n\) given \(\mbz_n\). Why isn’t the posterior Gaussian?

Nevertheless, we can still constrain \(q_n\) to belong to a simple family. For example, we could constrain it to be Gaussian and seek the best Gaussian approximation to the posterior. This is sometimes called fixed-form variational inference. Let,

\[\begin{align*} \cQ = \left\{q: q(\mbz; \mblambda) = \mathrm{N}\big(\mbz \mid \mbmu, \diag(\mbsigma^2)\big) \text{ for } \mblambda = (\mbmu, \log \mbsigma^2) \in \reals^{2H} \right\} \end{align*}\]

Then, for fixed parameters \(\mbtheta\), the best \(q_n\) in this variational family is,

\[\begin{align*} q_n^\star &= \arg \min_{q_n \in \cQ} \KL{q_n(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)}{p(\mbz_n \mid \mbx_n; \mbtheta)} \\ &= \arg \max_{\mblambda_n \in \reals^{2H}} \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta). \end{align*}\]

Variational Expectation-Maximization (vEM)#

Now we can introduce a new algorithm.

Algorithm 7 (Variational EM (vEM))

Repeat until either the ELBO or the parameters converges:

  1. M-step: Set \(\mbtheta \leftarrow \arg \max_{\mbtheta} \cL(\mblambda, \mbtheta)\)

  2. E-step: Set \(\mblambda_n \leftarrow \arg \max_{\mblambda_n \in \mbLambda} \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta)\) for \(n=1,\ldots,N\)

  3. Compute (an estimate of) the ELBO \(\cL(\mblambda, \mbtheta)\).

In general, none of these steps will have closed form solutions, so we’ll have to use approximations.

Generic M-step with Stochastic Gradient Ascent#

For exponential family mixture models, the M-step had a closed form solution. For deep generative models, we need a more general approach.

If the parameters are unconstrained and the ELBO is differentiable wrt \(\mbtheta\), we can use stochastic gradient ascent.

\[\begin{align*} \mbtheta &\leftarrow \mbtheta + \alpha \nabla_{\mbtheta} \cL(q, \mbtheta) \\ &= \mbtheta + \alpha \sum_{n=1}^N \mathbb{E}_{q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)} \left[ \nabla_{\mbtheta} \log p(\mbx_n, \mbz_n; \mbtheta) \right] \end{align*}\]

Note that the expected gradient wrt \(\mbtheta\) can be computed using ordinary Monte Carlo — nothing fancy needed!

The Variational E-step#

Assume \(\cQ\) is the family of Gaussian distributions with diagonal covariance:

\[\begin{align*} \cQ = \left\{q: q(\mbz; \mblambda) = \mathrm{N}\big(\mbz \mid \mbmu, \diag(\mbsigma^2)\big) \text{ for } \mblambda = (\mbmu, \log \mbsigma^2) \in \reals^{2H} \right\} \end{align*}\]

This family is indexed by variational parameters \(\mblambda_n = (\mbmu_n, \log \mbsigma_n^2) \in \reals^{2H}\).

To perform SGD, we need an unbiased estimate of the gradient of the local ELBO, but

\[\begin{align*} \nabla_{\mblambda_n} \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta) &= \nabla_{\mblambda_n} \E_{q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)} \left[ \log p(\mbx_n, \mbz_n; \mbtheta) - \log q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n) \right] \\ &\textcolor{red}{\neq} \; \E_{q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)} \left[ \nabla_{\mblambda_n} \left(\log p(\mbx_n, \mbz_n; \mbtheta) - \log q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)\right) \right]. \end{align*}\]

Reparameterization Trick#

One way around this problem is to use the reparameterization trick, aka the pathwise gradient estimator. Note that,

\[\begin{align*} \mbz_n \sim q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n) \quad \iff \quad \mbz_n &= r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon), \quad \mbepsilon \sim \cN(\mbzero, \mbI) \end{align*}\]

where \(r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon) = \mbmu_n + \mbsigma_n \mbepsilon\) is a reparameterization of \(\mbz_n\) in terms of parameters \(\mblambda_n\) and noise \(\mbepsilon\).

We can use the law of the unconscious statistician to rewrite the expectations as,

\[\begin{align*} \E_{q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)} \left[h(\mbx_n, \mbz_n, \mbtheta, \mblambda_n) \right] &= \E_{\mbepsilon \sim \cN(\mbzero, \mbI)} \left[h(\mbx_n, r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon), \mbtheta, \mblambda_n) \right] \end{align*}\]


\[\begin{align*} h(\mbx_n, \mbz_n, \mbtheta, \mblambda_n) = \log p(\mbx_n, \mbz_n; \mbtheta) - \log q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n). \end{align*}\]

The distribution that the expectation is taken under no longer depends on the parameters \(\mblambda_n\), so we can simply take the gradient inside the expectation,

\[\begin{align*} \nabla_{\mblambda} \E_{q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)} \left[h(\mbx_n, \mbz_n, \mbtheta, \mblambda_n) \right] &= \E_{\mbepsilon \sim \cN(\mbzero, \mbI)} \left[\nabla_{\mblambda_n} h(\mbx_n, r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon), \mbtheta, \mblambda_n) \right] \end{align*}\]

Now we can use Monte Carlo to obtain an unbiased estimate of the final expectation!

Working with mini-batches of data#

We can view the ELBO as an expectation over data indices,

\[\begin{align*} \cL(\mblambda, \mbtheta) &= \sum_{n=1}^N \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta) \\ &= N \, \E_{n \sim \mathrm{Unif}([N])}[\cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta)]. \end{align*}\]

We can use Monte Carlo to approximate the expectation (and its gradient) by drawing mini-batches of data points at random.

In practice, we often cycle through mini-batches of data points deterministically. Each pass over the whole dataset is called an epoch.


Now we can add some detail to our variational expectation maximization algorithm.

Algorithm 8 (Variational EM (with the reparameterization trick))

For epoch \(i=1,\ldots,\infty\):

For \(n=1,\ldots,N\):

  1. Sample \(\epsilon_n^{(m)} \iid{\sim} \cN(\mbzero, \mbI)\) for \(m=1,\ldots,M\).

  2. M-Step:

    a. Estimate

    \[\begin{align*} \hat{\nabla}_{\mbtheta} \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta) &= \frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M \left[ \nabla_{\mbtheta} \log p(\mbx_n, r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon_n^{(m)}); \mbtheta) \right] \end{align*}\]

    b. Set \(\mbtheta \leftarrow \mbtheta + \alpha_i N \hat{\nabla}_{\mbtheta} \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta)\)

  3. E-step:

    a. Estimate

    \[\begin{align*} \hat{\nabla}_{\mblambda} \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta) &= \frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M \nabla_{\mblambda} \left[\log p(\mbx_n, r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon_n^{(m)}); \mbtheta) - \log q(r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon_n^{(m)}), \mblambda_n) \right] \end{align*}\]

    b. Set \(\mblambda_n \leftarrow \mblambda_n + \alpha_i \hat{\nabla}_{\mblambda} \cL_n(\mblambda_n, \mbtheta)\).

  4. Estimate the ELBO

    \[\begin{align*} \hat{\cL}(\mblambda, \mbtheta) &= \frac{N}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M \log p(\mbx_n, r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon_n^{(m)}); \mbtheta) - \log q(r(\mblambda_n, \mbepsilon_n^{(m)}); \mblambda_n) \end{align*}\]
  5. Decay step size \(\alpha_i\) according to schedule.

Amortized Inference#

Note that vEM involves optimizing separate variational parameters \(\mblambda_n\) for each data point. For large datasets where we are optimizing using mini-batches of data points, this leads to a strange asymmetry: we update the generative model parameters \(\mbtheta\) every mini-batch, but we only update the variational parameters for the \(n\)-th data point once per epoch. Is there any way to share information across data points?

Note that the optimal variational parameters are just a function of the data point and the model parameters,

\[\begin{align*} \mblambda_n^\star &= \arg \min_{\mblambda_n} \KL{q(\mbz_n; \mblambda_n)}{p(\mbz_n \mid \mbx_n, \mbtheta)} \triangleq f^\star(\mbx_n, \mbtheta). \end{align*}\]

for some implicit and generally nonlinear function \(f^\star\).

VAEs learn an approximation to \(f^\star(\mbx_n, \mbtheta)\) with an inference network, a.k.a. recognition network or encoder.

The inference network is (yet another) neural network that takes in a data point \(\mbx_n\) and outputs variational parameters \(\mblambda_n\),

\[\begin{align*} \mblambda_n & \approx f(\mbx_n, \mbphi), \end{align*}\]

where \(\mbphi\) are the weights of the network.

The advantage is that the inference network shares information across data points — it amortizes the cost of inference, hence the name. The disadvantage is the output will not minimize the KL divergence. However, in practice we might tolerate a worse variational posterior and a weaker lower bound if it leads to faster optimization of the ELBO overall.

Putting it all together#

Logically, I find it helpful to distinguish between the E and M steps, but with recognition networks and stochastic gradient ascent, the line is blurred.

The final algorithm looks like this.

Algorithm 9 (Variational EM (with amortized inference))

Repeat until either the ELBO or the parameters converges:

  1. Sample data point \(n \sim \mathrm{Unif}(1, \ldots, N)\). [Or a minibatch of data points.]

  2. Estimate the local ELBO \(\cL_n(\mbphi, \mbtheta)\) with Monte Carlo. [Note: it is a function of \(\mbphi\) instead of \(\mblambda_n\).]

  3. Compute unbiased Monte Carlo estimates of the gradients \(\widehat{\nabla}_{\mbtheta} \cL_n(\mbphi, \mbtheta)\) and \(\widehat{\nabla}_{\mbphi} \cL_n(\mbphi, \mbtheta)\). [The latter requires the reparameterization trick.]

  4. Set

\[\begin{align*} \mbtheta &\leftarrow \mbtheta + \alpha_i \widehat{\nabla}_{\mbtheta} \cL_n(\mbphi, \mbtheta) \\ \mbphi &\leftarrow \mbphi + \alpha_i \widehat{\nabla}_{\mbphi} \cL_n(\mbphi, \mbtheta) \end{align*}\]

with step size \(\alpha_i\) decreasing over iterations \(i\) according to a valid schedule.