Hidden Markov Models#
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are latent variable models for sequential data. Like the mixture models from the previous chapter, HMMs have discrete latent states. Unlike mixture models, the discrete latent states of an HMM are not independent: the state at time \(t\) depends on the state at time \(t-1\). These dependencies allow the HMM to capture how states transition from one to another over time. Thanks to the Markovian dependency structure, posterior inference and parameter estimation in HMMs remain tractable.
Gaussian Mixture Models#
Recall the basic Gaussian mixture model,
\(z_t \in \{1,\ldots,K\}\) is a latent mixture assignment
\(x_t \in \reals^D\) is an observed data point
\(\mbpi\in \Delta_{K-1}\), \(\mbmu_k \in \reals^D\), and \(\mbSigma_k \in \reals_{\succeq 0}^{D \times D}\) are parameters
(Here we’ve switched to indexing data points by \(t\) rather than \(n\).)
Let \(\mbTheta\) denote the set of parameters. We can be Bayesian and put a prior on \(\mbTheta\) and run Gibbs or VI, or we can point estimate \(\mbTheta\) with EM, etc.
Draw the graphical model for a GMM.
The EM algorithm#
Recall the EM algorithm for mixture models,
E step: Compute the posterior distribution
\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} q(\mbz_{1:T}) &= p(\mbz_{1:T} \mid \mbx_{1:T}; \mbTheta) \\ &= \prod_{t=1}^T p(z_t \mid \mbx_t; \mbTheta) \\ &= \prod_{t=1}^T q_t(z_t) \end{aligned} \end{split}\]M step: Maximize the ELBO wrt \(\mbTheta\),
\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}(\mbTheta) &= \mathbb{E}_{q(\mbz_{1:T})}\left[\log p(\mbx_{1:T}, \mbz_{1:T}; \mbTheta) - \log q(\mbz_{1:T}) \right] \\ &= \mathbb{E}_{q(\mbz_{1:T})}\left[\log p(\mbx_{1:T}, \mbz_{1:T}; \mbTheta) \right] + c. \end{aligned} \end{split}\]
For exponential family mixture models, the M-step only requires expected sufficient statistics.
Hidden Markov Models#
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are like mixture models with temporal dependencies between the mixture assignments.
This graphical model says that the joint distribution factors as,
We call this an HMM because the hidden states follow a Markov chain, \(p(z_1) \prod_{t=2}^T p(z_t \mid z_{t-1})\).
An HMM consists of three components:
Initial distribution: \(z_1 \sim \mathrm{Cat}(\mbpi_0)\)
Transition matrix: \(z_t \sim \mathrm{Cat}(\mbP_{z_{t-1}})\) where \(\mbP\in [0,1]^{K \times K}\) is a row-stochastic transition matrix with rows \(\mbP_k\).
Emission distribution: \(\mbx_t \sim p(\cdot \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_{z_t})\)
Inference and Learning in HMM#
We are interested in questions like:
What are the predictive distributions of \(p(z_{t+1} \mid \mbx_{1:t})\)?
What is the posterior marginal distribution \(p(z_t \mid \mbx_{1:T})\)?
What is the posterior pairwise marginal distribution \(p(z_t, z_{t+1} \mid \mbx_{1:T})\)?
What is the posterior mode \(z_{1:T}^\star = \mathop{\mathrm{arg\,max}}p(z_{1:T} \mid \mbx_{1:T})\)?
How can we sample the posterior \(p(\mbz_{1:T} \mid \mbx_{1:T})\) of an HMM?
What is the marginal likelihood \(p(\mbx_{1:T})\)?
How can we learn the parameters of an HMM?
On the surface, what makes these inference problems harder than in the simple mixture model case?
Computing the predictive distributions#
The predictive distributions give the probability of the latent state \(z_{t+1}\) given observations up to but not including time \(t+1\). Let,
We call \(\alpha_t(z_t)\) the forward messages. We can compute them recursively! The base case is \(p(z_1 \mid \varnothing) \triangleq p(z_1)\).
We can also write these recursions in a vectorized form. Let
both be vectors in \(\reals_+^K\). Then,
where \(\odot\) denotes the Hadamard (elementwise) product and \(\mbP\) is the transition matrix.
Finally, to get the predictive distributions we just have to normalize,
What does the normalizing constant tell us?
Computing the posterior marginal distributions#
The posterior marginal distributions give the probability of the latent state \(z_{t}\) given all the observations up to time \(T\).
where we have introduced the backward messages \(\beta_t(z_t)\).
Computing the backward messages#
The backward messages can be computed recursively too,
For the base case, let \(\beta_T(z_T) = 1\).
be a vector in \(\reals_+^K\). Then,
Let \(\boldsymbol{\beta}_T = \boldsymbol{1}_K\).
Now we have everything we need to compute the posterior marginal,
We just derived the forward-backward algorithm for HMMs!
What do the backward messages represent?#
If the forward messages represent the predictive probabilities \(\alpha_{t+1}(z_{t+1}) = p(z_{t+1}, \mbx_{1:t})\), what do the backward messages represent?
Computing the posterior pairwise marginals#
Use the forward and backward messages to compute the posterior pairwise marginals \(p(z_t, z_{t+1} \mid \mbx_{1:T})\).
Normalizing the messages for numerical stability#
If you’re working with long time series, especially if you’re working with 32-bit floating point, you need to be careful.
The messages involve products of probabilities, which can quickly overflow.
There’s a simple fix though: after each step, re-normalize the messages so that they sum to one. I.e replace
This leads to a nice interpretation: The normalized messages are predictive likelihoods \(\overline{\alpha}_{t+1,k} = p(z_{t+1}=k \mid \mbx_{1:t})\), and the normalizing constants are \(A_t = p(\mbx_t \mid \mbx_{1:t-1})\).
EM for Hidden Markov Models#
Now we can put it all together. To perform EM in an HMM,
E step: Compute the posterior distribution
\[\begin{align*} q(\mbz_{1:T}) &= p(\mbz_{1:T} \mid \mbx_{1:T}; \mbTheta). \end{align*}\](Really, run the forward-backward algorithm to get posterior marginals and pairwise marginals.)
M step: Maximize the ELBO wrt \(\mbTheta\),
\[\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}(\mbTheta) &= \mathbb{E}_{q(\mbz_{1:T})}\left[\log p(\mbx_{1:T}, \mbz_{1:T}; \mbTheta) \right] + c \\ &= \nonumber \mathbb{E}_{q(\mbz_{1:T})}\left[\sum_{k=1}^K \mathbb{I}[z_1=k]\log \pi_{0,k} \right] + \mathbb{E}_{q(\mbz_{1:T})}\left[\sum_{t=1}^{T-1} \sum_{i=1}^K \sum_{j=1}^K \mathbb{I}[z_t=i, z_{t+1}=j]\log P_{i,j} \right] \\ &\qquad + \mathbb{E}_{q(\mbz_{1:T})}\left[\sum_{t=1}^T \sum_{k=1}^K \mathbb{I}[z_t=k]\log p(\mbx_t; \theta_k) \right] \end{align*}\]
For exponential family observations, the M-step only requires expected sufficient statistics.
How can we sample the posterior?
How can we find the posterior mode?
How can we choose the number of states?
What if my transition matrix is sparse?
HMMs add temporal dependencies to the latent states of mixture models. They’re a simple yet powerful model for sequential data.
The emission distribution can be extended in many ways. For example, we could include temporal dependencies in the emissions via an autoregressive HMM, or condition on external covariates as in an input-output HMM
Like mixture models, we can derive efficient stochastic EM algorithms for HMMs, which keep rolling averages of sufficient statistics across mini-batches (e.g., individual trials from a collection of sequences).
It’s always good to implement models and algorithms yourself at least once, like you will in Homework 3. Going forward, you should check out our implementations in Dynamax and SSM!